Large Event Conference Calls Case Studies

1000+ Employee
Corporate Meeting

How does a large company keep all employees at multiple locations across the Country informed on company goals, sales, and objectives, while controlling call access and effectively managing costs?
Our client uses daily, weekly and month-end broadcast events to bring all locations and employees together. This way no information is forgotten or passed along incorrectly from word of mouth. To make these conference calls cost effective, our client opted for self-managed services instead of operator-assisted. While the client initially thought large calls could not be done without professional help each time, using our services, our client gained confidence in the self-managed process.
One of our experienced conferencing consultants provided training to the internal call organizers, recommending the features that would best support their calls and how to use them, after listening to the client’s specific requirements and concerns. We showed them how to use their online account and access the call management features in our online portal, Call Hub Pro™. The client now runs all of their large conference calls on their own, but occasionally calls us for advice or help.
This client also wanted to help assure that only those on their distribution list could dial in. We solved this problem with Mobile 1-Tap. The conferencing dial in number and passcode for each are sent to the recipients via Mobile 1-Tap, enabling people to just click on a link to dial into the conference without having to dial any numbers. This enables the call organizer to change the call passcode for each call, which becomes a security feature, as no one who has left the company remains on the distribution list, and with the passcode being a new one for each call, a past employee or outside party would not know what passcode to use to join.
The result is conference calls that run almost automatically. Information is shared, the employees are informed, and costs are well within the client’s communications budget.
How does a recipient of government health contracts keep its regional departments across the nation up-to-date on current health issues and changes in policies and procedures?
Healthcare policy and related requirements are continuously in need of being communicated to the audiences that must implement them. By conducting multiple event calls each week, our client can keep all healthcare regions and departments informed on topics that need to be discussed.
After subjects are presented and reviewed in a national group conference call, regions each break out into smaller sub-conferences called breakout rooms. Regions are then each able to have an open discussion among themselves on the issues that pertain to them based on such items as state laws, regional demographics, and local practice. After a period of time, the breakout groups are reassembled into one unit again for a wrap-up session, where they each present their developed conclusions based on what they discussed in their breakout and share information about how their region will handle the situations discussed.
Breakout sessions are an efficient way to hold national meetings where various groups need to deal with information differently as well as share common factors in a discussion. Holding these meetings in a conference call structure eliminates the need for travel, moves the process along quickly, and save money and time.

Government Health

Market Strategy

How does a well-known market strategist in equity and fixed income research keep hundreds of portfolio managers and traders informed on the current market?
When parties dial in for their conference, they are greeted by one of our operators with a specified welcome message. The operator is required to get both the name and the organization of the caller. Parties are held in a music hold room until a moment before the call, at which time a lead operator reads the list of attendee names and companies to the client. The client then provides direction on any specific attendee they want handled in a certain way. The speaker and the attendees are then joined, and the call is recorded.
When it is time for the Q&A parties press a specified digit on their phone to enter the queue. We then pull the client out into a sub-conference and tell them who is in the queue. The client then directs us in what order to open the lines for questions, as well as when to not open a line for anyone they don’t want posing questions in front of the large group.
Following each conference, we send our client a recording file, as well as a participant list which shows the duration of time each person was on the conference. In addition we maintain an annual running tally of each call’s recording files and participant lists in a shared online folder. This is a special concierge service we provide that this client values and appreciates.
The highly systematized approach of conference call management helps assure that our investment research client meets the expected requirements of the firm’s constituents, while also providing easy access to all data related to a call. This is especially helpful for follow up when needing to talk with someone between conference calls. Our client can find out right away exactly how long a party was on a conference call, as well as refer back to what was said in the call by listening to a part of the recording file.